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Roughly half the tea produced in India is grown in Assam: the largest tea-growing region in the world. So what makes this region so good for tea?

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The taste is fresh, light, flowery, and aromatic. Perfect for anyone looking for something special for a friend or loved-one this Christmas season.

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Sri Lankan tea, more commonly known as Ceylon tea, is easily distinguishable on a global market by its signature full-bodied, citrus-note taste. A firm favourite in Britain, this country’s tea is synonymous with some of England’s most iconic blends.

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Kyūshū is known throughout Japan for soft, cicada song summers and winters watched wistfully from the comfort of one of many onsen - natural hot springs which are prevalent throughout the island. 

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brew, faq, guide, India, red tea, regions, tea -

Travel around India without leaving the comfort of your home with Char’s extensive selection of Indian teas available online!

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