Tea Regions of China

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Tea Regions of China

map showing China divided into its tea regions

Jiangbei 江北


  • Liu an Gua Pian 

This tea region (whose name translates directly to North of the River Yangtze) is the most northerly of China’s tea growing regions, and its lower temperatures result in a slower rate of growth for the tea plant camellia sinensis. This slow growth has the effect of producing a smaller-leafed tea with a sweeter flavour than teas from other tea regions of China. Char’s Liu An Gua Pian is a wonderful showcase of these iconic aspects, with its full-flavoured floweriness that leaves a sweet aftertaste. Additionally, this tea contains a higher concentration of antioxidants than its contemporaries, making it a sweet treat that your body will be grateful for!


Jiangnan 江南



As Jiangbei means North of the river Yangtze, Jiangnan directly translates to South of the River Yangtze. Being south of the river means that this tea region is warmer and better suited to the production of large quantities of tea, as the climate here allows for a quicker growth rate. Roughly two thirds of all of China’s tea production stems from this region, and with good reason. This tea producing region is known worldwide for its high quality green teas, black teas, and oolong teas. Some of Char’s favourites come from this area – you will be able to spot them from the iconic ‘Famous Teas of China’ badges!

Huanan 华南



Huanan is an area of China which is hot and humid for most of the year, with a ten month growing season! The red soil of the region is particularly well-suited to highly oxidised varieties of tea such as oolongs and black teas (known in China as red teas in order to distinguish from Pu Erh teas) which is particularly evident in our Milk Oolong and Wu Yi Oolong. However, our customers will also attest to the high quality of white teas from this region such as our Jasmine Pearls and Silver Needle.


Xinan 西南



Xinan is the oldest tea producing region of China, and said to be the origin of the camelia sinensis plant itself. This Southwestern area of China covers many famous tea-producing regions such as Yunnan, Sichuan, and Guizhan, as well as southern parts of Tibet. Drenched in history, this tea region contains much treacherous terrain that was travelled by horseback as well as by foot during the operation of the Tea Horse Road – a trade route which crisscrossed the region between the 6th and 20th centuries. During this period, traders would travel from Yunnan to Tibet in order to exchange tea for horses. As a result, Yunnan teas are still the most traditional teas of China with centuries of unaltered production processes. At Char, we are particular fans of Yunnan teas for this reason, and most of the teas listed here hail from Yunnan. Try for yourself and find out if you agree that some traditions remain unchanged for good reason!